What Is The Fountain ?
Imagine a global economic system truly aligned with care for the earth and the whole of life for the benefit of current and future generations, guided by the ancestral wisdom and technologies of cultures that have lived this way for the larger course of human history. This is the work of The Fountain.
There is
It is in the return to the sacred origins and principles of this ancestral wisdom – calling for the unification of all peoples with the earth – that a return to balance and sustainability is to be found. The vision of The Fountain, and the extraordinary sacredness of its origin and
Through the deep understanding, experience and relationships contained in its ecosystem, The Fountain exists to catalyse this journey to reconnection and ultimately to unification through its vision, mission, and values.
The path forward is to restore a global economy of reciprocity inspired by nature and the sacred – bringing together conscious investors, philanthropists, whole system entrepreneurs, leaders on transformational economics and finance and holders of indigenous ecological knowledge. A multi-disciplinary, intercultural exchange united in service to the earth and future generations.

The Fountain’s “Why”
Sacred Territories
Indigenous Biocultural Territories are the most at risk
- 25% world’s land surface, 66% of which is ‘essentially natural’ (1)
- 80% of earth’s remaining biodiversity and 95% most threatened (2)
- 36% remaining intact forests (3)
- 77% world’s forest carbon (4)
Sacred Cultures
Original Cultures: Proven to be the world’s best conservationists of ecosystems vital to our survival and health of the planet as a whole. Guided by respect and reciprocity with all relations including animals, plants and the land. Eco-centric Social, Political-Economic whole systems (1),(2).
Sacred Economics
Sacred Economics restores the natural flow of reciprocity between all living things.
Through multi-disciplinary intercultural exchanges united in service to the earth and future generations, and by bringing conscious investors, philanthropists, whole system entrepreneurs, and leaders in transformational economics and finance together with holders of indigenous ecological knowledge… The Fountain aims to envision, create and restore a global economy of reciprocity, inspired by nature and the sacred.
The Time is Now
… for us to remember who we are. For humanity to transform the extractivist economic and financial system that bankrupts people and the planet for short-term gain, and power that corrupts, into one that is sacred, within which all beings thrive.
The state of the world today is the result of hundreds, if not thousands of years of dis-harmonious, fragmented, and highly destructive ways of interacting with each other and with the earth, much of this trauma the by-product of a shift to a global economic structure that relies on endless resource exploitation and constant growth simply for its own perpetuation.
Mission, Vision, and Values
Our Vision
We envision a restored global economy of reciprocity inspired by Nature and the Sacred in which all beings thrive.
Our mission is to enable collaborative action that bridges the original principles of ancient cultures into a new vision for sacred economics in service to sacred territories.
Our Values
The Fountain’s work is inspired and guided by the original principles including: Reciprocity | Respect | Responsibility | Relationship
The Fountain unites original principles with integrated action.
The Fountain projects and programs exist to catalyze the process of unification and the restoration of Mother Earth. They are guided by the values of reciprocity, respect, responsibility, and relationship. Our initiatives support flow between sacred economics, sacred territories, and sacred cultures.
Sacred Economics
Four percent of the world’s population are the ancestral guardians of 80% of the Earth’s remaining biodiversity. It is no surprise that many are turning to those who hold the knowledge keys of how to live in balance and reciprocity with the Earth and each other to understand how to live well and to build a sacred economy based on reciprocity.
Drawing on the principles and teachings of sacred ancestral cultures, the path forward is to restore a global economy of reciprocity inspired by nature and the sacred. The Fountain is doing so by bringing together investors, philanthropists, leading economic thinkers and holders of Indigenous ecological knowledge in service to the earth and future generations.
Sacred Territories
Worldwide, ancestral Sacred Sites are interconnected. They work together energetically and potentiate the capacity of a single place to restore the balance of a nearby affected place. It is through reciprocity and specifically through ancestral rituals, offerings and payments that ancestral spiritual leaders can accelerate and assure the healing process of Mother Earth.
Ancestral Sacred Sites play a key role in the restoration of those affected places – they are energetic points that elevate the capacity of Mother Earth to restore systemic balance. The Fountain works with elders, local indigenous communities, flowing resources going to where we are called to support the restoration of sacred sites. We are also partnering with communities, organizations, and partners to create 13 Houses of Original Though at sacred locations, as directed by elders, that serve as places of coming together, education, and ceremony.
Sacred Cultures
The world’s ancestral indigenous peoples – peoples whose cultural genesis can be traced back thousands of years –have safeguarded ancestral wisdom, cosmologies, philosophies and cultures – known also as the “original principles.” For those who have maintained this connection, these principles guide their interactions with the sacred, with nature, and with other human beings.
It’s evident that it is in the return to the sacred origins of the ancestral wisdom – the unification of all peoples with sacred lands – that the return to balance and sustainability is based. The Fountain supports and promotes intercultural exchange with the goal of re-connection, re-indigenization, and remembering who we are. We are working to preserve these root cultures, original languages, customs, ceremony and teachings through education, intercultural partnership, and collaboration.