The Fountain Blog

Photos credit, Jethro Tanner

Kiva Ceremony in the UK

In June 2019, Jyoti participated in a Kiva ceremony alongside elders from across the world. Held in Cambridgeshire, UK, this was the third year of the ceremony which is mandated to run for four consecutive years.

The Kiva is a circular sacred space, dug into the Earth herself to specific measurements with four alters at each of the directions and a gateway in the East. The sacred fire in the centre is lit during the opening ceremony and must remain alive until the closing ceremony. During these four days and nights, prayers and blessings are made to the Kiva at sunrise and sun set, sweat lodges are held twice a day to support the prayers and everyone lives in community, volunteering in the kitchen and participating in the ceremonies and talks offered by the elders. The gathering is filled with music, singing and joy.

As an elder, Jyoti led the prayers and offerings to the Kiva sharing messages of peace, love and harmony to all those gathered. She presented the work of the Fountain to a group of 60 people inspiring an enthusiastic discussion about Sacred Economics.


Photos credit, Jethro Tanner

The invite to participate in the Kiva had a special significance to Jyoti; X years ago aged X she was present for the very first Kiva gathering, supporting its founder, Mexican elder <name>. Back then, the ceremony was known as <complete> and Jyoti wasn’t aware of the connection between the two events until <….>.

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