Traditional Sámi Music with Elin Teilus and her Band!
Elin Teilus, singer and Yoik artist has her roots in Udtja, Sápmi in the North. She is described as a force of nature, with a unique presence and magical voice, a bringer of the beautiful traditional music of the Sámi into new worlds. The music is encapsulating grand sceneries at the same time as being intimately close, always with elements of free creation. “…Within Elin Teilus’ music the Sámi tradition of storytelling is alive; Listen to her joik and you will meet the reindeers, the clear water of the cold well, the winds…
It brings hope for the understanding and respect of the Sámi identity and history.”
Elin’s website:
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Elin Teilus, singer and Yoik artist has her roots in Udtja, Sápmi in the North. She is described as a force of nature, with a unique presence and magical voice, a bringer of the beautiful traditional music of the Sámi into new worlds.
The music is encapsulating grand sceneries at the same time as being intimately close, always with elements of free creation.

The musicians are handpicked from internationally renowned musical worlds; Rickard Åström, a former member of the twice Grammy awarded Folk Group Groupa, Roots rock guitarist Mats Jenseus and Anders Waernelius, who has a lifelong experience of the eastern and Nordic folk percussion tradition.