Mother Earth Delegation Recording

July 20th, 2024

1.5-hour Free Online Conference and Q&A

Grandmother Luisah Teish (Iyanifa and Oshun Chief, USA),
Grandmother Jyoti (Elder, USA),
Heather, Grandmother Flordemayo’s daughter, offers the day out of the Mayan calendar and then Grandmother Flordemayo offers a prayer and message
Elin Teilus (Sámi, Sápmi, Sweden)
Universal Mother (Bwiti Grandmothers from Gabon, Africa),
Grandfather Randy Lays Bad (Oglala Sioux, USA),
Shawna Bluestar Newcomb (Shawnee, Lenape, Turtle Island),
Jarmbi (Original Custodian, Australia),
Eleonora Ascencio Dahl offers the message from the Kogi (Kaggabba)
Kurikindi (Kichua, Ecuador)

—————– We will also be live streaming here on:
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