We are at a Critical Crossroad,

Economic & Ecological EMERGENCY is REAL


Earth has hit irreversible tipping points with accelerating ecosystem collapse

$92 Trillion


Capitalist extraction economies accumulate wealth for the 1%.



Disproportionately bankrupting people who live in accordance with the earth.


IN 2019

Record number of land and environmental activists murdered in one year of which Indigenous Biocultural Territoires are the most at risk.

The Fountain Mission


Restored global economy of reciprocity inspired by Nature and Principles of Original Cultures, in service to all life.


  1. Enable alliances and multi-stakeholder collaboration.
  2. Flow philanthropic funding to Indigenous-led initiatives.
  3. Advise and educate institutions, companies and frameworks on the application of Original Principles.

*Original principles of ancient cultures: reciprocity, respect, responsibility, relationship in service to all life

Our “Why”

Sacred Economics

Sacred Economics recognizes that: Our survival depends on the recognition that the health and prosperity of society and our economy is dependent on the natural world”
World Economic Forum

Redefines currency as a life-supporting value

Sacred Territories

Indigenous Biocultural Territories are the most at risk

  • 25% world’s land surface, 66% of which is ‘essentially natural’ (1)
  • 80% of earth’s remaining biodiversity and 95% most threatened (2)
  • 36% remaining intact forests (3)
  • 77% world’s forest carbon (4)

Sacred Cultures

Original Cultures: Proven to be the world’s best conservationists of ecosystems vital to our survival and health of the planet as a whole. Guided by respect and reciprocity with all relations including animals, plants and the land. Eco-centric Social, Political-Economic whole systems (1),(2).

The Fountain Programs

The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations

An international delegation of Indigenous Nations focused on resourcing a sustainable future by restoring the original principles inherent in Nature’s law through Intercultural Dialogue and Original Peoples council

Four Earth Mandates

Received by the Kogi these mandates to unify with Mother Earth through the Original Instructions are to create a Grand Council of Indigenous Elders, Protect Biocultural Sacred Sites, build Houses of Original Thought, and enable intercultural exchanges and dialogue.

Mother Earth Revitalization Fund

Flows philanthropic funding in organic manner to earth initiatives, Indigenous leaders and their communities to protect and restore territories and restore original cultures.

Sacred Territories Initiative

Indigenous-led conservation initiative to protect and restore biocultural regions vital to a healthy climate and reciprocity with Mother Earth.

Methods & Services

Council Process

A council within one individual organization or multiple organizations that are joining together to form an alliance. The Council, made up of the elected leaders who work with issues of the organization that need to be held in a trusted setting to listen to guidance mandated by the Laws of Nature. Those that sit on the Council speak from the ‘seats’ that they hold in order to to have all aspects present to speak to the new world view, the whole system. In alliances with multiple organizations, one or more representatives “leaders” from each of these organizations would sit together on this Council as a delegation.

Multi- ”Staffholder” Process

Organizing an ecology of indigenous, conscious capital/impact, thought leader, activist, regenerative design, and systems “staffholders” to co-create new sacred economies / legal frameworks based on reciprocity, guided by nature. These “staffholders” partake in co-education, emergent process through working groups and collaborative ecosystem mapping, and multi- perspective learning journeys, to culminate in a participatory design summit.

Original Principles Advisory

Advisory services for individuals, organisations and initiatives that aim to implement the original principles and earth centred values and spiritual practices in their way of operating and development of whole-system solutions.

Nature and The Sacred Education

Training solutions that draw on the teachings of ancestral cultures, sacred ecological frameworks, methods and tools that empower individuals, teams and communities to build positive relationships within their community, deepen their sacred relationship with the natural world and apply Original Principals and holistic values within their Economic activities; Aligning their vision and mission with sustainable goals that benefit future generations to come.


Funding of indigenous led initiatives and community support

Our Impact


Of relations & intercultural bridge-building with Original Peoples of all nations


Of Elders facilitated and globally recognized

MORE THAN 7 Declarations

For international recognition Earth and Indigenous sovereignty


Catalyzing global action and change in intl. Institutions: Vatican, UN, UNESCO, & US Federal Government.

Elders Advisory Council

Mamo Alejandro

Mamo Alejandro

Elder of the Kogi tribe living in the mountains of the La Sierra Nevada in Colombia, where the Kogi, Wiwa, Arhuaco and Kankuamo. He is dedicated to the land and balancing the planet through the spiritual work of the Mamos.

Mamo Lorenzo

Mamo Lorenzo

Executive Director

Leader of the Saisama community of the Arahuaco people, one of the Four Nations of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta with the mission of unifying the 115 native groups of Colombia for collective spiritual service to their sacred territoires.

Mamo Manuel

Mamo Manuel

Traditional Spiritual Mamo Leader, Kogi Peoples of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. The ALUNA movie sharing his message for the world which is unification, and right relations with the earth.

Loretta Afraid of Bear Cook

Loretta Afraid of Bear Cook

Cultural specialist for The Fountain, Board Member of the Paha Sapa Unity Alliance Black Hills Reparation, Running Strong Foundation, The Sacred Healing Circle

Mamo Evangelista

Mamo Evangelista

Elder of the Wiwa tribe in the mountains of the La Sierra Nevada in Colombia, dedicated to guarding the land and balance of the planet through the spiritual work of the Mamos. Rooted in nature, he transmits wisdom through his connection to the Earth, the stars.

The Fountain Team

Jyoti Ma

Jyoti Ma

Founder and Spiritual Elder

Founder of The Fountain, Spiritual Elder of the Center for Sacred Studies, convened The Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology C.J. Jung Institute

Christiane Pedros

Christiane Pedros

Executive Director

Is the Executive Director of the Fountain, with a background in consulting social enterprise and entrepreneurial start-ups in through her Changemakers Business Academy.

Amelia Barlow

Amelia Barlow

Director Sacred Economics

Climate solutions and ecological rights consultant, for such organizations as Google, Intel, The Council on Foreign Relations, Obama Presidential Campaign, The Lakota Nation, and The Climate Emergency Fund.

Mindahi Bastida

Mindahi Bastida

Director of Indigenous Initiatives

Director of Original Nations Program and the Four Earth Mandates Program. Coordinator of the Otomi-Hñahñu Regional Council in Mexico and President of the Mexico Council of Sustainable Development.

The Four Earth Mandates

Earth Mandate 1

Earth Mandate 1

Creation of the Grand Council of Indigenous Spiritual Elders

There is common agreement among Indigenous Peoples that, for societies to realign with the Original Instructions, spiritual authorities of Indigenous Peoples must be acknowledged and listened to. We consolidate a Grand Council of Indigenous Spiritual Elders with members of all continents with outstanding spiritual work for their Peoples and Territories.

Earth Mandate 2.

Earth Mandate 2.

Sacred Sites

Helping Mother Earth Heal and Balance and Protecting Biocultural Sacred Sites. This Earth Mandate aims to heal and reactivate Sacred Sites around the world, helping Mother Earth and Nature in her recovery of spiritual and ecological balance.

Earth Mandate 3.

Earth Mandate 3.

Houses of Original Thought

The Houses of Original Thought provide a space for the sharing of ancestral wisdom. We envision the establishment of, as a first phase, thirteen Houses of Original Thought within Indigenous Peoples territories in the Americas and then 13 others in every continent. Community members integrate practices and knowledge about their biocultural regions.

Earth Mandate 4.

Earth Mandate 4.

Intercultural Exchange

Interfaith (inter-spiritual) and intercultural dialogue to address the Doctrine of Discovery and to join efforts in demanding the rescinding of Papal Bulls affecting Indigenous Peoples and Mother Earth. We also create spaces for truth and conciliation processes in regard to exploited peoples and regions in Mother Earth.

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