The Four Earth Mandates
Earth Mandate 1
Creation of the Grand Council of Indigenous Spiritual Elders
There is common agreement among Indigenous Peoples that, for societies to realign with the Original Instructions, spiritual authorities of Indigenous Peoples must be acknowledged and listened to. We consolidate a Grand Council of Indigenous Spiritual Elders with members of all continents with outstanding spiritual work for their Peoples and Territories.
Earth Mandate 2
Sacred Sites
Helping Mother Earth Heal and Balance and Protecting Biocultural Sacred Sites. This Earth Mandate aims to heal and reactivate Sacred Sites around the world, helping Mother Earth and Nature in her recovery of spiritual and ecological balance.
Earth Mandate 3
Houses of Original Thought
The Houses of Original Thought provide a space for the sharing of ancestral wisdom. We envision the establishment of, as a first phase, thirteen Houses of Original Thought within Indigenous Peoples territories in the Americas and then 13 others in every continent. Community members integrate practices and knowledge about their biocultural regions.
Earth Mandate 4
Intercultural Exchange
Interfaith (inter-spiritual) and intercultural dialogue to address the Doctrine of Discovery and to join efforts in demanding the rescinding of Papal Bulls affecting Indigenous Peoples and Mother Earth. We also create spaces for truth and conciliation processes in regard to exploited peoples and regions in Mother Earth.