Please see our website for direct links to each of the speakers websites and fundraisers.… We heard Jo Overton from Protect Native Elders speak directly about the horrendous conditions inside Native American Reservations – details that I for one had no idea were so bad – and the multi-generational and cultural threat posed by the death of their Elders. Native peoples are 10 times more likely to contract Covid, and 4 times more likely to die. Why? It’s all within the first 30 minutes of the call. Atossa Soltani of Amazon Watch and Patricia Gualinga of the Kichua people of Ecuadorian Amazonia spoke about the radical rise of lawlessness in the Amazon sparked by lock down. The increase in illegal roads, mining, murders alongside the complete lack of any government support or access to health care for tribes within the forest. We heard how Covid could wipe out the peoples of the Amazon. Jyoti from the Centre for Sacred Studies spoke from profound depth about the wisdom traditions being threatened, the prophecies that speak of this time and our role in the unfolding. Her guest Alexis Bunten from Bioneers spoke to the depth and the statistics of struggle for basic survival occurring across the First nations peoples of North America, Haru Kuntanawa, wife Hayra and Ruda called in directly from Brazilian Amazonia and shared about the multi layered issues facing their tribe and the need they have to create sustainable food sources now that their river and fish are poisoned. (Please note the first two minutes of the call were missed on the recording.)