The next call with the Mother Earth Delegation will be on February 15th, 2025 @ 2 PM PT

The next call with the Mother Earth Delegation will be on February 15th, 2025 @ 2 PM PT

The next call with the Mother Earth Delegation will be on

February 15th, 2025ย  @ 2 PM PT

Hear the wisdom shared by a delegation of elders who come with directions from Mother Earth to help us walk through these times of great chaos and change.

Grandmother Jyoti (Elder, USA),
Grandmother Luisah Teish (Iyanifa and Oshun Chief, USA),
Grandmother Loretta Afraid of Bear Cook (Oglala Sioux, USA),
Elin Teilus (Sรกmi, Sรกpmi, Sweden)
Uncle Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq (Kalaallit Nunaat, Greenland),
Grandmother Flordemayo (Mayan, USA),
Heather Dudney, Grandmother Flordemayoโ€™s daughter
Kya Dudney, Mayan (USA) Youth Ambassador,
Universal Mother (Bwiti Grandmothers from Gabon, Africa),
Grandfather Randy Lays Bad (Oglala Sioux, USA),
Shawna Bluestar Newcomb (Shawnee, Lenape, Turtle Island),
Jarmbi (Original Custodian, Australia),
Eleonora Ascencio Dahl offers the message from the Kogi (Kaggaba)
Kurikindi (Kichua, Ecuador)




ย We will also be live streaming here on:
Subscribe to the Mother Earth Delegation Youtube Channel!

Find out more about
The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations

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The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code; with Live Q & A

The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code; with Live Q & A

The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code; with Live Q & A

Join us for a deep dive into The Doctrine of Discovery film and uncover the hidden truths behind the Domination Code in our live Q&A session

Sunday, February 2nd, 2025 @ ย 11 AM PTย ย (7 pm GMT)

Free Event RSVP here

Welcome to film screening of the thought-provoking filmย The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code, followed by a live Q & A session with renowned Indigenous speakers Steven T. Newcomb and Shawna Bluestar Newcomb. Join us as we delve into the history and impact of the Doctrine of Discovery, and Domination Code, a concept that has shaped the course of history and is amplified with a destructive influence for All Peoples, and our Beloved Planet. We will also share alternative solutions as a way towards harmony, balance honoring our Sacred Earth, All People, Beings, and Future Generations. Get ready to engage with experts and ask your burning questions during the interactive Q & A session. Don’t miss this eye-opening event!

This profound film and insights have changed the way they see their life, history and the world, and how to be more compasionate participants for change. The film has been opening hearts and minds since 2015.

Join us ย Sunday, February 2nd, 2025 @ ย 11 AM PT (ย 7 pm GMT)

Presentation:ย Steven T. Newcomb, writer and co-producer behind the film will be joined by his daughter Shawna Bluestar Newcomb to present this ground-breaking film. They will share more about the history and research behind the film, and how this relates to current topics. It affects all of us today with dire consequences, and extends into the social, ecological, political and economic challenges people are experiencing. The vision Steven Newcomb and Shawna Bluestar Newcomb share is one of restoration, balance, harmony and healing. Shawna Bluestar also presents empowering and healing alternatives through her teachings on The Reverence Code. This unique blueprint offers a powerful way to help navigate this time of big changes, and help transform grief, anger, anxiety, or despair into greater resilience, courage, purpose and joyfilled life and leadership.

We honor all spiritual paths, and backgrounds.
We look forward to connecting with you.

About the Film:ย 2025 is the 10th anniversary since the premier of this award-winning and compelling film “The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking The Domination Code” (by Steven T. Newcomb, and directed and co-produced by Sheldon Wolfchild) This presentation helps to connect the dots to root causes behind current events & crises affecting All Peoples & our beloved Earth and this little known history. The film tells the story of how ancient Vatican documents of the fifteenth century resulted in a tragic global momentum of domination and dehumanization. This led to law systems in the U.S. and Canada, and throughout the world, that are still used against Original Indigenous Nations & Peoples to this day. These destructive patterns set into motion systems that affect All Peoples, Beings & our Precious Planet. The mindset of domination expands resulted in the current ecological, social, economic & political issues affecting us all.

*We respect people of all faiths & backgrounds. Parts of the film can be sensitive for some viewers. It examines the legacy of domination code systems & patterns. The film concludes with traditional teachings developed over thousands of years that provide a positive alternative.

Background:ย In 1992, Mr. Newcomb, along with his friend and mentor Birgil Kills Straight, (Oglala, Lakota Headman) called upon the Vatican to revoke the Papal Bulls of Domination and dehumanization (Doctrine of Discovery) of the 14th and 15th centuries. Their work has become a global movement for change and healing. Mr. Newcomb’s best-selling book, Pagans in the Promised Land; Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery shares his decades of research. Mr. Newcomb’s book, film and research is celebrated by universities, communities, churches, advocates, and Peoples of all backgrounds throughout the world. In 2015, Mr. Newcomb released the award-winning film, titled, The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code. In 2016, Mr. Newcomb, with a group of Original Nations elders, and friends spoke with Pope Francis at the Vatican. Ongoing efforts and conversations continue.

Vision:ย The vision Steven Newcomb and Shawna Bluestar Newcomb share is one of restoration, balance, harmony and healing for all Peoples, the Planet, and all aspects of Life.

Free Event – RSVP here ย

More information:
For related extensive articles, research, lectures, and media
Steven T. Newcomb
Original Free Nations

Shawna Bluestar Newcomb
For related courses, workshops, sessions, summits, and podcasts

The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations is participating in 7 Days of Rest January 1-7, 2025

The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations is participating in 7 Days of Rest January 1-7, 2025

The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations is participating in

7 Days of Rest

January 1-7, 2025

7 Days of Rest, January 1โ€“7, is a free, co-creative annual global event dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants. All are invited to participate in co-creating a global healing field and enjoy the rich array of offerings, including wisdom teachings, ceremonies, meditations, music, inspirations and more, that are generously offered by the global community.


Together we Honor, Celebrate and Cultivate Rest as an Essential Foundation
for the Healing and Thriving of Earth, Humanity and All of Life.


The 7 Days of Rest CALENDARย ย  CLICK HERE!


Luisah Teish, Iyanifa and Oshun chief (USA)

Shawna Bluestar Newcomb, Shawnee Lenape (Turtle Island)ย 

Loretta Afraid of Bear Cook (Lakota Elder) & Tom Cook, (Wolf Clan Akwesasne Mohawk Nation)

Milo Yellow Hair, Oglala Sioux Nation (Turtle Island)

To learn more and join this FREE event, please visit:


๐Ÿ’ซ Starting on September 20th! ๐Ÿ’ซ Stewards of the Sacred: Leadership, Space Holding, and Purpose in a Transforming World

๐Ÿ’ซ Starting on September 20th! ๐Ÿ’ซ Stewards of the Sacred: Leadership, Space Holding, and Purpose in a Transforming World



LIVE Global Conference from September 20th to 22nd, 2024

Click here to join now!ย 

Embrace New Models of Leadership with Stewards of the Sacred 2024

The world is calling for a new kind of leadershipโ€”one that is deeply rooted in integrity, stewardship, and a profound connection to the sacred. We are at a pivotal moment in history where the old ways of leading are no longer sufficient. We need leaders who recognize the inherent divinity within themselves and others, who honor the Earth and Earth-based wisdom, and who are committed to creating a brighter future for all.

Perhaps you are one of these future leaders.

If you feel called to be part of the transformative change our world so desperately needsโ€ฆ

If you know in your heart that sacred wisdom and new models of leadership hold the keys to our collective evolutionโ€ฆ

You are invited to join us for a groundbreaking global conference:

๐Ÿ”ฅ Stewards of the Sacred 2024 ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Deep Dive into New Models of Leadership, Spaceholding Practices, and Regeneration Strategies
LIVE Global Conference from September 20th to 22nd, 2024

Click here to join now!ย 

My wonderful friend and colleague, Natasja Pelgrom, has created Stewards of the Sacred, where speakers from diverse backgrounds, expertise, and traditions will provide insights and perspectives on the topics of stewardship, leadership, and the sacred.

Together, we will explore the profound themes of leadership, stewardship, and regeneration, approaching these topics from a framework that values ancient wisdom and sacred principles as essential qualities to nurture in our leaders.

When you join us for Stewards of the Sacred:

โญ Youโ€™ll be part of the conversation! โญ

We’ll meet with Natasja and an extraordinary lineup of speakers via LIVE Broadcast each day from September 20th to 22nd, 2024.

During the event, you can ask our speakers your own questions, deepen your understanding of Stewardship, Leadership, and Regenerative Strategies. This is an opportunity to welcome a new era filled with compassion, collaboration, contribution, heart, and unity.

Our speakers will provide valuable insights and actionable strategies on:

  • How to become a leader who serves our collective future with integrity and purpose.
  • How to create a life grounded in interconnectedness, joy, compassion, collaboration, heart, and unity.
  • How to embrace new models of leadership that honor the sacred and foster true stewardship.

Additionally, for those joining the LIVE session, we have a very special offering: an exclusive live screening of the documentary “Kiva – The Call of the Wisdom Keepers” by Marijke Kodden. After the screening, you’ll have a rare opportunity to engage in a Q&A with the filmmaker and one of the featured Wisdom Keepers, Carola Esparza..

Please note: This documentary will not be recorded and will only be available during the live screening. Be present and immerse yourself in this powerful experience!

โญ Experience More Than Just Talksโ€”Transform with Action

The Stewards of the Sacred conference is not just a series of inspiring talks; itโ€™s a fully immersive learning experience. Each speaker brings more than just wisdomโ€”they offer a structured course component that allows you to dive deep into their teachings. What sets this conference apart is the actionable element from each session, designed to help you implement these powerful insights directly into your own life. Come prepared to learn, engage, and transform your journey.

You will emerge from Stewards of the Sacred with the tools and insights you need to become a Leader of the Futureโ€”fully aligned with stewardship and sacred principles at your core.

Enroll now to secure our special early bird pricingโ€”this offer ends when the event begins, after which the price increases, so don’t miss out!

Simply click here to join us.

I canโ€™t wait to see you there!

P.S. ~ Here is a sampling of the illuminating topics our speakers are presenting in Stewards of the Sacred:

  • From Space Holding to Presence-Centered Leadershipโ„ข โ€” Natasja Pelgrom
  • Exclusive Documentary Screening – Kiva the Call of the Wisdom Keepersย 
  • Return to an Original Way of Life โ€” Jyoti Ma
  • Re-indigenisation: Recovering the Lost Connection at the Heart of Modern Malaise โ€” Marc-John and Erika Huarcaya
  • Restoring Our Original Blueprint of Brilliance Designed by Nature โ€” Pam Montgomery
  • Collective Space Holding in Times of Upheaval โ€” Alexander Beiner
  • Making Investing Regenerative for People & Planet โ€” Nikki Trott
  • Seeds of Stewardship โ€” Tricia Eastman
  • Building Resilience and Collected Ase โ€” Moudou Baqui
  • A Call for New Leadership in Healthcare via Inclusive, Holistic, and Inner Healing Routes โ€” Dr. Bas de Cock
  • The future of Coaching: An Act of Sacred Stewardship โ€” Joel Monk
  • From Altered States to Amplified Impact – Laura Dawn
  • Navigating Psychedelics to Become a Better Leader โ€” Paul Austin
  • Psychedelics, Sacred Medicines & Transformational Business: Medicine for These Times – Beth Weinstein
  • Mushrooms as Mentors – Jasper Degenaars
  • And many more โ€ฆ

You donโ€™t want to miss this!

The Live Broadcast begins on September 20th, 2024.ย 

Click here to register now.ย 

P.P.S. ~ Please forward this email to others who may be interested in attending this groundbreaking event ๐Ÿ”ฅ


STREAMING:  Arctic Digital Youth Online Gathering | October 12th 2023

STREAMING: Arctic Digital Youth Online Gathering | October 12th 2023


Recordedย  October 12th for the Digital YOUTH DIALOGUE ย 


โ€จโ€จLatest News from the North. Young generations are calling for extraordinary actions, for the world leaders to stop ecocide and unite us all in understanding that we share one Earth. We are calling the youth of the North, Europe and the world to unite digitally with a message for the Arctic Assembly.
With us we have the youth representative, Jacinto, Zarabata Sundigama, Kaggabba Nation also known as the Kogi from La Sierra Nevada, Colombia. Join us ONLINE and listen to; โ€จQivioq Lรธvstrรธm – and learn about what is happening in Greenland, Halldรณr Jรณhannsson, Iceland Karolina Carlsson – Sweden. We hope to get some news updates directly from the recent unfodlings in Norway and from Gรกllok – Sรกpmi.
Honored guests: Delegates from The Arctic Portal, The Fountain, Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations, Center for Sacred Studies. Facilitator: Annette Ericsdotter, Sweden, Christiane Pedros, Germany.
September 16th, 2023 ~ Streaming

September 16th, 2023 ~ Streaming

Next Call with

The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations

Recorded on September 16, 2023 @ 2 PM PDT

Hear the wisdom shared by a delegation of elders who come with directions from Mother Earth to help us walk through these times of great chaos and change.

Grandmother Luisah Teish (Lyanifa and Oshun Chief)
Grandmother Jyoti (Elder, USA)
Grandmother Flordemayo and Heather Dudney, Grandmother Flordemayoโ€™s daughter offer a prayer
Grandfather Milo Yellow Hair (Oglala Sioux, USA),
Shawna Bluestar Newcomb (Shawnee, Lenape, Turtle Island)
Universal Mother (Bwiti Grandmothers from Gabon, Africa)
Jarmbi (Original Custodian, Australia)
+ Wisdom Keepers Videos





ย We will also be live streaming here on: YOUTUBE Subscribe to the Mother Earth Delegation Youtube Channel! FACEBOOK Followย —————– Find out more about The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations


Connect with Center for Sacred Studies (CSS): Sign up for Center for Sacred Studies Newsletter:ย Visit the Center for Sacred Studies WEBSITE: Visit the Center for Sacred Studies LINKTREE: Like Center for Sacred Studies on FACEBOOK: Follow Center for Sacred Studies on YOUTUBE: Follow Center for Sacred Studies on INSTAGRAM: Join the Center for Sacred Studies on TELEGRAM: Donate to the Center for Sacred Studies:

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