Jyoti was recently interviewed on the Earthshot Podcast and she invites you to listen here: www.earthshot.eco/podcast/jyoti-ma

Jyoti Ma joins host Troy Carter for a fascinating conversation centered around how nature, indigenous wisdom, and prophecy can be powerful guides during this time of great upheaval. Jyoti speaks about our humanity’s climate emergency with grandmotherly softness and grace and shares how she is working with both indigenous communities and with entrepreneurs to restore ecosystems and create a healthy planet for future generations. She eloquently weaves the sacred and the pragmatic together, illuminating a grounded path to the fulfillment of the great prophecies that speak of a new dawn on the horizon.


Earthshot Labs: www.earthshot.eco

The Fountain: thefountain.earth

Center for Sacred Studies: www.centerforsacredstudies.org

Songs by Ayla Schafer: www.aylaschafer.co.uk

Intro & Outro Music by Little Whale: littlewhale.bandcamp.com

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