Livestream: THE MAMOS CALL TO THE ARCTIC – Harpa Concert Hall Arctic Circle Assembly
TODAY October 19, 17:30 GMT, 7:30 PM CET, 10:30 AM Pacific
Live stream on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/thefountaincss
“The snowy peaks of the North have invited us to come to do the Pagamentos and help unify the spiritual connection”.
The Mamos of La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, representatives of the Kaggabba Nation in Colombia, also known as the Kogi, have requested to travel to the Arctic North starting with Greenland and Iceland this year – as part of a long-term commitment to offering Pagamentos, Earth Payments, to the planet’s natural sites.
The Mamos have been instructed to come to the Arctic North offering traditional earth payments to Northern natural Sacred Sites, to support the balancing of the elements which currently are strongly impacting Climate Change events. They bring an important message to the People of the North facing climate change impact.
Arctic Circle Assembly, Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre in Reykjavík Iceland
Thursday October 19, 17:30 GMT, 5:30 PM CET, 10:30 AM Pacific
Jacinto Zarabata Sundigama, Youth representative from the Kaggabba Nation In the presence of; Mamo Bunkuamaku and Francisco Sarabata Mamatacan from the Kaggaba Nation of La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia.
For special interviews and more information please contact:
Press Officer: Annette Ericsdotter,annette@tgim.se
Press Contact: Eleonora Ascencio Dahl
Organisational Team; Grandmother Jyoti Ma, US: Founder of The Fountain, Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations, Spiritual Elder of the Center for Sacred Studies. Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq, Greenland: Kalaallit Nunaat Nation, delegate of Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations. Eleonora Ascencio Dahl – Mexico / Sweden: Circle Wisdom Keepers project, consultant for the Fountain and Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations. Tiana Jacout: English, French and
Euskarat – Activist, Weaver, Water Protector. Christiane Pedros,
Germany: Board Member of The Fountain, Annette Ericsdotter, Sweden: Founder TGIM-Thank God It’s Monday, Board Member Center for Sacred Studies Sweden, Founder Nordic Light Foundation. Jeremy Whelehan, Ireland: Film Director and Producer, the Wisdom Keepers. Halldór Jóhannsson, Iceland: Co-founder and chief executive officer of the Arctic Portal.org, Director of the Northern Forum Foundation.
Programme: Official Program from The Arctic Circle Assembly:
Med vänliga hälsningar / Kind Regards
Annette Ericsdotter
TGIM – Thank God It´s Monday
Tideliusgatan 61
SE-118 69 Stockholm
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