ย Kogi Prophecy and the Pilgrimage to Teotihuacan II with Jyoti Ma, Shii tuii and Eleonora Dahl
In this session, we will describe the upcoming pilgrimage being organized by Ubiquity University to Teotihuacan in Mexico June 16 – 22 to coincide with the Summer Solstice. We will be doing so in the light of Kogi prophecy indicating that the period between the Winter Solstice 2023 and the Summer Solstice 2024 is a pivotal moment for humanity.
Jyoti Ma is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher. She has cultivated projects that demonstrate ways of life that honor the Earth and all Peoples. As the Grandmother Vision Keeper of the Center for Sacred Studies (https://www.centerforsacredstudies.org/), she co-founded Kayumari with spiritual communities both in America and Europe. Other projects she has helped to convene are the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and the Unity Concert. She is the founder of The Fountain (https://thefountain.earth) Itโs mission is to restore an economic model that is based on reciprocity and collaboration guided by Nature and the Sacred. She serves as a delegate of the Mother Earth Delegation of United Indigenous Nations. And it is through this current work in collaboration with the Fountain, that a global Sacred Territories Initiative is evolving to protect Mother Earthโs sacred sites and Her Original Peoples. Jyoti has devoted her life to bringing unity to the planet by facilitating the development of alliances between individuals who are the guardians of indigenous culture and traditional medicine ways. Through this work collaborative relationships with organizations that are focused on economic, social and environmental solutions have developed, creatively addressing the global challenges of our times.
Eleonora Ascencio Dahl is a cross-cultural advisor, consultant, translator and spiritual interpreter.She has a background in anthropology, social work, and decolonized yoga practice and teaching.Her work gets inspiration and guidance through ancestral knowledge and original teachings ,working closely with elders and youth allowing her to bridge and weave earthly based ways of prayer and instruction into loving action for community healing and education for future generations. A woman of prayer, she stands for a conscious stewardship and protection of the lands and waters of our Mother Earth.
Shii tuii A Kuna Guenta is a descendant of the Oneida and Yakut tribes. She is currently working with My husband Kenny and his tribe on a land back project with the state parks. The project is economic development through a land stewardship based on non monetary principles and reciprocity. She is also very involved with CE5. She is currently working very closely with the beings of Mt Shasta and Star Nation.
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