“We, the Kaggabba nation,
are here to tell a story.
We tell the creation stories and their importance in the creation of the World up until the times we live in now.
We have observed that today something has changed on earth in the way that the duties, tasks and commitments we were left to follow by the father Aluna Jabe and the mother Aluna Jabe have not been followed up in a proper way.”

Dear Relatives, Friends and Community,
We are writing to you from the shared space in our hearts that has been touched by the Mamos message from Mother Earth. This message is moving around the world and has been felt deeply by many. We thank you for listening. We thank you for sharing your willingness with us, and showing your desire to be a part of this movement to protect and honor our Mother Earth. Thank you for being here!
1. We want to clarify where the message comes from as it has been taught to us. It comes from the Kogi (the Kaggabba) This is how they have shared:
THE MESSAGE is not coming through an authority or through a specific person, it comes through the Mother of the Shikuajala, Through the Father of the Shikuajala, and in that way, we send it to you. It comes through the Shikuajala, which is what sustains all law that is in the Universe.
Through the message of the Mother we are informing you.
The message comes from the heart of the world.
Through an internal consultation made by the Kaggabba.
This message comes from the voice of the thunder. The thunder was the translator. In this way, it was given to the Mamos, and then we give it to you.
The message was received in a private consultation that was delivered to the Fountain team on November, 2023.
“We, the Kaggabba, have made a pause in order to be able to be of aid in these times. We require all of you to work for this. To be of help, so that the sacred places on earth can restore and help the Mother with the work she does, as she replenishes and feeds all life on earth and into the universe, so all can continue.”
Together we all want to honor the Mother and show her that we are listening and ready to act.
2. The importance of the recuperation of the sacred territories and sacred sites of the Kaggabba nation is needed, so that order and balance can be reestablished through that connection which will help the balance on earth. That is why many elders around the world are working so closely with organizations and individuals that are helping to return the land to the Original Caretakers.
3. What you can do now?
Each one of us has been listening deeply and many have received their own instructions and guidance for how to walk with Mother Earth honoring her. Some of you are already working to bring regenerative and restorative projects adding to the healing of our Mother. Some of you already work with your families, communities and networks bringing teachings and initiatives that wake people to the need to step out of colonized ways of thinking and return to the original way of life that is based on the original principles of heart, reciprocity, collaboration, unity and all life is sacred. Our elders around the earth are saying “light yourselves up”! Bring your work to a full actualization. If each of us do this, then the healing deepens, and its effects are far reaching.
We want to share with you some practicalities to the work ahead. These instructions of the Kaggabba may help inspire the work to action:
How can we help? What can we do?
How can we help reestablish the connection?
The main message from this deep listening to the land and to the water is the urge that Mother Earth is calling for her children to help her restore these places that are sacred for her and for the spirits and elements on our shared home. Here are some of the main points:
3. What you can do now?
Each one of us has been listening deeply and many have received their own instructions and guidance for how to walk with Mother Earth honoring her. Some of you are already working to bring regenerative and restorative projects adding to the healing of our Mother. Some of you already work with your families, communities and networks bringing teachings and initiatives that wake people to the need to step out of colonized ways of thinking and return to the original way of life that is based on the original principles of heart, reciprocity, collaboration, unity and all life is sacred. Our elders around the earth are saying “light yourselves up”! Bring your work to a full actualization. If each of us do this, then the healing deepens, and its effects are far reaching.
We want to share with you some practicalities to the work ahead. These instructions of the Kaggabba may help inspire the work to action:
How can we help? What can we do?
How can we help reestablish the connection?
The main message from this deep listening to the land and to the water is the urge that Mother Earth is calling for her children to help her restore these places that are sacred for her and for the spirits and elements on our shared home. Here are some of the main points:

• Discussions are actively happening with philanthropists, organizations, and movements to raise the resources the Kaggabba (Kogi) Nation and other Original Peoples will need to carry out the healing (as Mother Earth directs in their message). We are seeking to galvanize our funding pool that will allow this healing to begin in a significant way by July 2024.
• We are working on supporting land trusts that will help restore the custodianship of the Kaggabba on their own original lands and in this way help reestablish the balance and connection this healing will have.
• Conversations are also occurring with many large global social media platforms, such as Unity.Earth, to organize a global summer solstice event where all can join in raising the field of awareness and contribute to the healing process. We will keep you updated as this unfolds further.
This is an unfolding and continuous message, and we are calling on our creativity and inspiration to guide the way. We are listening to the direction of our elders and witnessing what the Mother’s Message is continuing to reveal to illuminate our next steps together. This is a time to allow the stirring to move us in greater harmony with one another and with our earth. You are an integral part of this and your presence is vital to educate the awakening for humanity to continue.
We send each and every one of you our love and appreciation.
Next, we will be sending you another and shorter email with other possible ways you can contribute or be involved. If you have further questions or seek more support, please connect with us. We will continue to reach out.
With love and gratitude / The Fountain Team
Share your email to stand with Mother Earth : https://thefountain.earth/mother/