Message from Mamos – Colombia

Message from Mamos – Colombia

A Message to us all from the Mamos of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia) – in the Heart of the World

“Younger brothers and sisters, the things that may seem insignificant to you have an enormous meaning for us, the #Mamos. In every natural event, in every manifestation, the Mamos see a messenger and a message, a guardian, a teacher, a counselor, who offer us the opportunity to hear, to dialogue with them, with Mother Nature and with Mother Earth.
Thus, we learn the power to lead without insisting that others follow us. We call those viruses, bacteria, those who do good things for us or who plague us, or alter our time and space, our #ElderBrothers. Today, one single tiny entity is producing a huge disturbance forcing all of us to make a stop on our sacred pathway of life.

For us, the Mamos, when Mother Earth had her first dawn everything was manifested from the spirit, in #รnugwe. Then, everything was manifested in #Tiโ€™na. รnugwe is the immaterial force of existence, the intangible and greater โ€œLaw Forceโ€ that governs and controls everything that exists in nature and in the cosmos. Tiโ€™na is the force in the material way, visible and manifested from รnugwe. Thus, all kingdoms, animals, plants, waters, rocks, and everything that exists are manifested in Tiโ€™na. They came first, ahead of us, in รnugwe, where they manifested as the supreme force of life, of creation, and thus they had to continue in Tiโ€™na. We were the last to arrive in รnugwe and Tiโ€™na.

We arrived yesterday, and although we have not yet been able to understand what we came for, or why we were the last, nor what would be our sacred mission, or why did we come to be with the elder brothers, we became their executioners and as cannibals, we began to consume and destroy many of them. We have #altered the #order established by the Most Sacred Law of the Universe, the Law of Origin, which is the Law of Order, of life, and of respect for the inner being. We have not learned to put ourselves at the height of Mother Earth, nor of Nature. As capricious children blinded by the power of reason, we began to change everything, destroying, annihilating everything in our path.

We were so powerful that in a blink of an eye we #overheated the planet, #thawed the poles, causing many brothers of flora and fauna to #disappear. We #polluted the breeze and the air.
Very few have acted with a consciousness of transformation wanting to change the system.

That chaos is what today governs us. Until now, we were playing with fire. We put ourselves #off #balance. And then, a #virus, the smallest of the elementals, the most insignificant creature before the eyes of the younger brothers #forced us to #stop the pursuit of the #race, without knowing after what we were running. That virus became a great #teacher, an authentic #messenger.
From our communication sites with the portals from the different dimensions, we, the
Mamos, perceive that this teacher is fed by #fear, vibrates with it and is # empowered by the fear that it perceives in all of us who feel terrified of losing what we have, what we built or planned to build. As humanity, we have been crowned with the vibration of FEAR.

From the Sacred sites the Guardians send us courage and we Mamos add to this courage a good dose of solidarity, unconditional love and self-confidence in ourselves to spread it to others as an effective shield against fear.
We, the Mamos, speak with Mother Earth, we speak with life and with beings from all kingdoms. From our sacred offices we ask for forgiveness, first for ourselves, our neighbors, the breeze, the water, the animals and the plants. We heal them, we balance them, because by healing and balancing our Elder Brothers, we heal and balance ourselves, because everything is integrated into the whole by interacting with each other
and with ourselves.

Only when we achieve the NEW BALANCE will the New Humanity be empowered by solidarity, giving way to the New Earth, promoted, honored, respected and loved. Then, not only will pure air be possible, not only will healthy animals be possible, will plants be possible, but each element, each being will be fulfilling its mission, without being destroyed, violated, by what is called development, civilization, modernity and which we, the Mamos, call UNCONSCIOUSNESS.

Our Sacred Mother Earth will be protected when we as humanity make the resolution to do things RESPECTING and REVERING ALL LIFE. For us, the Mamos, this is an invitation to CHANGE and TRANSFORM OURSELVES without aggression, with love and kindness. It is something that you talk about the transformation or mutations that modern viruses are doing. The Mamos see this as an approaching reality that we can reach with the greatest humility that will assist us with the absolute truth of being able to apologize to ourselves and to all brothers and our elder brothers, to have a change in attitude, a TRANSFORMATION of CONSCIOUSNESS and HABITS of thinking before this sacred planet, before this sacred mother and before our sacred elder brothers.

We have demonstrated how powerful we are to change, to transform.
Letโ€™s use the same power to mutate our consciousness adding a strong dosage of LOVE, COMPASSION, RESPECT and REVERENCE FOR LIFE without rejecting with pride or arrogance the elder brothers of nature, because they were here ahead of us.
Mother Earth, the Guardians of our Sacred Sites, the Mamos of the Chundwas are calling all of us, mobilizing Mamos and younger brothers and sisters to work together bringing that change in humanity and in the world. May power, light and love be with all of us to make that transformation during this time of change.
~ Mamo Dwawiku Izquierdo, Mamo Arhuaco from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta,
Compiled by Amanda Bernal-Carlo
Copyright (@) The Great Balance

Via Ocha Sheehan



‘Donโ€™t Say They Didnโ€™t Tell Us’


in English & Spanish

Mamo Dwawiku Izquierdo, Mamo Arhuaco from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia

Compiled and translated by Amanda Bernal-Carlo, President, The Great Balance

‘Donโ€™t Say They Didnโ€™t Tell Us’


in English & Spanish

We, the Mamos from the Heart of the World, that is also the Heart of the Universe, from our Sacred House. the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, greet all our younger brothers and sisters of all the races of the world, the great brotherhood, all masters, the lightworkers, all of those who are on the path to change consciousness, to those who are awakening to a new consciousness and also to all those who are still asleep. We invite you to reflect on what is obvious, what everyone is talking about, the message that crowns us all as a single unit, in a single pain, in a single suffering, as a single humanity that suffers, cries that it is broken and that has to rise empowered, different, freed from incomprehensible egos, from values that did not help, and from powers that left us weak and tired of carrying them and that did not help when we needed them most. The Mother spoke, life shouted it in our faces, nature revealed it, the unintentional fires screamed it as a Truth.

But we did not hear them, because we were busy with grandiose work for ourselves, because they did not touch us directly, because we were busy building a better tomorrow without knowing for whom or for what. Today, we cannot say that we were caught off guard, that we were not warned, that it was a surprise. Donโ€™t say they didnโ€™t tell us. We, the Mamos who have learned for hundreds of generations and lineages to take time to develop communication with the higher and lower dimensions, who lived for 18 years of our present life learning to silence our minds, to desensitize our biological bodies and our senses, to extinguish our egos, to put our minds to sleep so that they do not judge, do not sentence, do not condemn. In those years and until the end of our existence we continue to learn to be Mamos, by sharpening the senses of the higher being and training ourselves to perceive, with the senses of the soul and the heart, the whisper of the divinity carried by the wind, the breeze, the waters, the clouds, the mountains, the animals, the forests, the very small like the bacteria, the visible and invisible beings, as the guardians of our Sacred Sites. We have learned that they speak with the innocent laughter of children, in the old wisdom of the one who is already leaving, with the color of the clouds, in the melting of the Chundwas (snow peaks), in the birds that stopped flying, in the volcanoes that woke up perplexed and began to roar until they made Mother Earth tremble.

We the Mamos read it, understood it, witnessed it when the slow and accurate walk of the father sun changed, hugging Mother Earth until she was burned, and when the lunar cycles no longer aligned to direct life, the planting time and the harvest. Younger brothers and sisters, the things that may seem insignificant to you have an enormous meaning for us, the Mamos. In every natural event, in every manifestation the Mamos see a messenger and a message, a guardian, a teacher, a counselor, who offer us the opportunity to hear, to dialogue with them, with Mother Nature and with Mother Earth.Thus, we learn the power to lead without insisting that others follow us. We call those viruses, bacteria, those who do good things for us or who plague us, or alter our time and space, ourย Elder Brothers. Today, one single tiny entity is producing a huge disturbance forcing all of us to make a stop on our sacred pathway of life.

For us, the Mamos, when Mother Earth had her first dawn everything was manifested from the spirit, inย รnugwe. Then, everything was manifested inย Tiโ€™na.ย รnugweย is the immaterial force of existence, the intangible and greaterย โ€œLaw Forceโ€ย that governs and controls everything that exists in nature and in the cosmos.ย Tiโ€™naย is the force in the material way, visible and manifested fromย รnugwe. Thus, all kingdoms, animals, plants, waters, rocks, and everything that exists are manifested inย Tiโ€™na. They came first, ahead of us, inย รnugwe,where they manifested as the supreme force of life, of creation, and thus they had tocontinue inย Tiโ€™na. We were the last to arrive inย รnugweย andย Tiโ€™na. We arrived yesterday, and although we have not yet been able to understand what we came for, or why we were the last, nor what would be our sacred mission, or why did we come to be with the elder brothers, we became their executioners and as cannibals we began to consume and destroy many of them. We have altered the order established by the Most Sacred Law of the Universe, theย Law of Origin, which is theย Law of Order, of life and of respect for the inner being We have not learned to put ourselves at the height of Mother Earth, nor of Nature. As capricious children blinded by the power of reason, we begin to change everything, destroying, annihilating everything in our path.

We were so powerful that in a blink of an eye we overheated the planet, thawed the poles, causing many brothers of flora and fauna to disappear. We polluted the breeze and the air. Very few have acted with a consciousness of transformation wanting to change the system. That chaos is what today governs us. Until now, we were playing with fire. We put ourselves off balance. And then, a virus, the smallest of the elementals, the most insignificant creature before the eyes of the younger brothers forced us to stop the pursuit of the race, without knowing after what we were running. That virus became a great teacher, an authentic messenger.

From our communication sites with the portals from the different dimensions, we, the Mamos, perceive that this teacher is fed by fear, vibrates with it and is empowered by the fear that he perceives in all of us who feel terrified of losing what we have, what we built or planned to build. As humanity we have been crowned with the vibration of fear. From the Sacred sites the Guardians send us courage and we Mamos add to this courage a good dose of solidarity, unconditional love and self-confidence in ourselves to spread it to others as an effective shield against fear.

We, the Mamos, speak with Mother Earth, we speak with life and with beings from all kingdoms. From our sacred offices we ask for forgiveness, first for ourselves, our neighbors, the breeze, the water, the animals and the plants. We heal them, we balance them, because by healing and balancing ourย Elder Brothers, we heal and balance ourselves, because everything is integrated into the whole by interacting with each other and with ourselves. Only when we achieve the new balance will the New Humanity be empowered by solidarity, giving way to the New Earth, promoted, honored, respected and loved. Then, not only will pure air be possible, not only will healthy animals be possible, will plants be possible, but each element, each being will be fulfilling its mission, without being destroyed, violated, by what is called development, civilization, modernity and which we, the Mamos, callย unconsciousness.

Our Sacred Mother Earth will be protected when we as humanity make the resolution to do things respecting and revering all life. For us, the Mamos, this is an invitation to change and transform ourselves without aggression, with love and kindness. It is something that you talk about the transformation or mutations that modern viruses are doing. The Mamos see this as an approaching reality that we can reach with the greatest humility that will assist us with the absolute truth of being able to apologize to ourselves and to all brothers and our elder brothers, to have a change in attitude, a transformation of consciousness and habits of thinking before this sacred planet, before this sacred mother and before our sacred elder brothers.

We have demonstrated how powerful we are to change, to transform. Letโ€™s use the same power to mutate our consciousness adding a strong dosage of love, compassion, respect and reverence for life without rejecting with pride or arrogance the elder brothers of nature, because they were here ahead of us. Mother Earth, the Guardians of our Sacred Sites, the Mamos of the Chundwas are calling all of us, mobilizing Mamos and younger brothers and sisters to work together bringing that change in humanity and in the world. May power, light and love be with all of us to make that transformation during this time of change.


Mamo Dwawiku Izquierdo, Mamo Arhuaco from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia

Compiled and translated by Amanda Bernal-Carlo, President, The Great Balance

Spanish Version:

No Digas Que No, No Lo Dijeron.

Nosotros los Mamos desde el Corazรณn del Mundo, que es tambiรฉn el Corazรณn del Universo, desde nuestra Casa Sagrada, la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, saludamos a todos nuestros hermanitos menores de todas las razas del mundo, a la gran hermandad, a todos los maestros, a los trabajadores de la luz, a todos aquellos que estรกn en el camino de cambio de conciencia, a aquellos que estรกn despertando a una nueva conciencia y tambiรฉn a todos aquellos que aun estรกn dormidos. Los invitamos a reflexionar en lo que es obvio, de lo que todo el mundo habla, del mensaje que nos corona a todos como una sola unidad, como un solo dolor, como un solo sufrimiento, como una sola humanidad que sufre, que llora, que se quebranta y que ha de levantarse empoderada, diferente, liberada de egos incomprensibles, de valores que no ayudaron, y de poderes que nos dejaron dรฉbiles y cansados de cargarlos porque cuando mas los necesitรกbamos no sirvieron.

La Madre hablo, la vida nos lo grito en la cara, la naturaleza lo revelo, los fuegos no intencionados lo clamaron como una verdad a gritos. Pero no los oรญmos por estar ocupados en lo grandioso, porque no nos tocaron directamente, por estar construyendo un mejor maรฑana sin saber para quien o para que. Hoy no podemos decir que nos tomo desprevenidos, que no nos avisaron, que fue una sorpresa. No digas que no, no lo dijeron. Nosotros los Mamos quienes hemos aprendido por cientos de generaciones y linajes a tomarnos el tiempo para desarrollar la comunicaciรณn con las dimensiones superiores e inferiores, quienes vivimos por 18 aรฑos de nuestra vida presente aprendiendo a acallar nuestra mente a insensibilizar nuestros cuerpos biolรณgicos y nuestros sentidos, a apagar nuestros egos, a dormir nuestras mentes para que no juzguen, no sentencien, no condenen. En estos aรฑos y hasta el final de nuestra existencia continuamos aprendiendo a ser Mamos, agudizamos los sentidos del ser superior y nos capacitamos para percibir con los sentidos del alma y del corazรณn el susurro de la divinidad que lleva el viento, la brisa, las aguas, las nubes, las montaรฑas, los animales, los bosques, los muy pequeรฑos como las bacterias, los seres visibles e invisibles, lo mismo que los guardines de nuestros sitios sagrados. Hemos aprendido que ellos hablan con la risa inocente de los niรฑos, en la sabidurรญa vieja del que ya se va, en el color de las nubes, en el deshielo de los Chundwas (picos de nieve), en las aves que dejaron de volar en los volcanes que se despertaron perplejos y empezaron a rugir hasta hacer temblar la Madre Tierra.

Los Mamos lo leรญmos, lo entendimos lo atestiguamos cuando cambiรณ el andar lento y certero del padre sol, abrazando a la Madre Tierra hasta quemarla, y cuando los ciclos lunares ya no se alinearon mas para dirigir la vida, la siembra y las cosechas. Hermanitos, las cosas que pueden parecen insignificantes para ustedes, tienen un enorme significado para nosotros los Mamos. Los Mamos vemos en todo acontecimiento natural, en toda manifestaciรณn un mensajero y un mensaje, un guardiรกn, un maestro, un consejero, que nos trae la oportunidad de oรญr, de dialogar con ellos, con la Madre Naturaleza y con la Madre Tierra. Asรญ aprendemos el poder de liderar sin insistir en que otros nos sigan. Llamamos Hermanos Mayores a los virus, a las bacterias, los que hacen cosas buenas por nosotros o lo que nos dan pestes, o alteraciรณn de nuestro tiempo y de nuestro espacio. Hoy, una sola entidad diminuta estรก produciendo una gran perturbaciรณn que nos obliga a todos detenernos en nuestro camino sagrado de la vida.

Para nosotros los Mamos, cuando la Madre Tierra tuvo su primer amanecer todo fue manifestรกndose desde el espรญritu, en รnugwe, luego, todo se manifestรณ en Tiโ€™na. รnugwe es la fuerza inmaterial de la existencia, la โ€œFuerza Leyโ€ intangible y mayor que gobierna y controla todo cuanto existe en la naturaleza y en el cosmos. Tiโ€™na es la fuerza en el modo material, visible y manifestada desde el รnugwe. Asรญ se manifiestan todos los reinos, los animales, las plantas, las aguas, las rocas, y todo aquello que existe en Tiโ€™na. Ellos fueron primero que nosotros, en รnugwe, donde estaban manifestados como la fuerza suprema de la vida, de la creaciรณn y asรญ debiรณ continuar en Tiโ€™na. Nosotros fuimos los รบltimos en llegar en รnugwe y en Tiโ€™na. Nosotros llegamos ayer, y aunque no hemos podido comprender todavรญa a que vinimos, ni porque fuimos los รบltimos, ni cuรกl seria nuestra sagrada misiรณn o en calidad de que llegamos para estar con los hermanos mayores, nos convertimos en sus verdugos y como canรญbales empezamos a consumir y destruir a muchos de ellos. Hemos alterado el orden establecido por la Ley mas Sagrada del Universo, la Ley de Origen que es la Ley del Orden, de la vida y del respeto por el ser. No hemos aprendido a ponernos a la altura de la Madre Tierra, ni de la Naturaleza. Como niรฑos caprichosos y enceguecidos por el poder de la razรณn, lo empezamos a cambiar todo, destruyendo, aniquilando todo a nuestro paso. Fuimos tan poderosos que en un abrir y cerrar de ojos recalentamos el planeta descongelamos los polos, desaparecimos muchos hermanos de la flora y de la fauna, contaminamos la brisa el aire y son muy pocos los que han actuado con conciencia de transformaciรณn queriendo cambiar el sistema que hoy nos gobierna. Hasta ahora estuvimos jugando con fuego. Nos pusimos a nosotros mismos fuera de balance. Y entonces, un virus, el mas pequeรฑo de los elementales, la creatura mas insignificante antes los ojos de los hermanitos menores nos obligo a parar la carrera de persecuciรณn, de lo que no sabรญamos tras de que estรกbamos corriendo. Ese virus se convirtiรณ en un gran maestro, en un autentico mensajero.

Desde nuestros sitios de comunicaciรณn con los portales desde las diferentes dimensiones, nosotros los Mamos percibimos que a este maestro lo alimenta el miedo, vibra con el y viene empoderado por ese temor que percibe en todos los que nos sentimos aterrados a perder lo que tenemos, lo que construimos o planeรกbamos construir. Como humanidad hemos sido coronados con la vibraciรณn del miedo. Desde los sitios Sagrados los Guardianes envรญan coraje y nosotros los Mamos agregamos a este coraje una buena dosis de solidaridad, amor incondicional y de autoconfianza en nosotros mismos para contagiarla a los demรกs como un escudo efectivo contra el miedo.

Los Mamos hablamos con la Madre Tierra, hablamos con la vida y con seres de todoslos reinos. Desde nuestras oficinas sagradas pedimos perdรณn, primero a nosotros mismos, a nuestros vecinos, a la brisa, al agua a los animales y a las plantas. Nosotros sanamos, balanceamos a nuestro Hermanos Mayores, porque al sanarlos y balancearlos a ellos, nos sanamos y balanceamos a nosotros mismos, porque todo estรก integrado enel todo, interactuando entre sรญ y con nosotros mismos. Solo cuando logremos ese nuevo balance, una Nueva Humanidad empoderada por la solidaridad darรก paso a la nueva tierra ascendida, honrada, respetada y amada. Entonces no sรณlo el aire puro serรก posible, no sรณlo los animales sanos serรกn posibles las plantas serรกn posibles, sino que cada elemento, cada ser estarรก cumpliendo su misiรณn, sin ser destruido, violentado, por lo que se llama desarrollo, civilizaciรณn, modernismo y al que nosotros los Mamos llamamos inconsciencia.

Nuestra Sagrada Madre Tierra, serรก protegida cuando nosotros como humanidad tomemos la resoluciรณn de hacer las cosas respetando y reverenciando toda forma de vida. Para nosotros los Mamos esta es una invitaciรณn al cambio y a la transformaciรณn sin agresiรณn, con amor y gentileza. Es algo asรญ como lo hablan hoy ustedes de esa transformaciรณn de esa mutaciรณn quรฉ estรกn haciendo los virus modernos. Los Mamos vemos esto como una realidad cercana donde podemos cada uno con la humildad mรกs grande que nos asiste con la verdad absoluta de poder pedir perdรณn a nosotros mismos y hacia nosotros hermanos y hacia nuestros hermanos mayores, tener un cambio, una mutaciรณn de actitud, una transformaciรณn de conciencia de hรกbitos de pensamiento ante este sagrado planeta ante esta sagrada madre y ante nuestros sagrados hermanos mayores.

Hemos demostrado cuรกn poderosos somos para cambiar, para transformar.

Usemos el mismo poder para mutar nuestra conciencia agregando una fuerte dosis de amor, compasiรณn, respeto y reverencia por la vida sin rechazar con orgullo o arrogancia a los hermanos mayores de la naturaleza porque ellos llegaron aquรญ antes de nosotros.

La Madre Tierra, los Guardianes de nuestros Sitios Sagrados, los Mamos de los Chundwas nos estรกn llamando a todos, movilizando a Mamos y a los hermanitos menores a trabajar juntos para lograr ese cambio en la humanidad y en el mundo. Que el poder, la luz y el amor estรฉn con todos nosotros para hacer esa transformaciรณn durante este tiempo de cambio.

Mamo Dwawiku Izquierdo, Mamo Arhuaco de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia
Compiled and translated by Amanda Bernal-Carlo
The Great Balance
Copyrigth @ El Gran Balance

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