[Recording] The Future is Ancestral ~ Message from the Mother // Jyoti Ma, Yvonna Lucká, Lucie H. Morais

[Recording] The Future is Ancestral ~ Message from the Mother // Jyoti Ma, Yvonna Lucká, Lucie H. Morais


You are invited to meet the internationally renowned spiritual teacher Jyoti Ma. Jyoti Ma has brought to the world projects demonstrating how to live in a manner that honors the Earth and all her people. Working closely with the Kogi, an indigenous tribe from La Sirra Nevada mountains of Colombia.
Jyoti carries the message of an ancient prophecy of the Condor and the Eagle, sharing it with those that listen. This prophecy brings to us a message we may or may not listen to, a message we may or may not connect with to the current state of our world, a message we may or may not identify with.


The upcoming event can be seen as an invitation to view contemporary issues through a different perspective. A perspective that transcends time and space, conceiving humanity and nature to be one living organism, evolving across time and space. You may have heard the statement that time is non-linear.
The past, the future and the present are all happening right now. From one point of view, everything is a given; from another, the slightest movement in the present can affect not only the future but also the past. Time cannot be stopped, it cannot be captured, accelerated or slowed down. What we can do, however, is calm ourselves in the time we are in. We can allow the river of life to flow at its own pace and watch with confidence the landscape that passes around us.
Come, pause and breathe. Come and soak in possible ways of conceiving reality and listen to the wisdom imparted by the elders of our global village. Come and touch the place within yourself where trust in life and its flow is intertwined with personal responsibility to self and the whole.


Under the auspices of mothersmessage.earth and in collaboration with novypribeh.org.


Event translated to Czech language
Jyoti Ma
Jyoti Ma is the Vision Keeper of the Center for Sacred Studies, and co-founded Kayumari. She helped to convene the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and Unity Concert. She founded The Fountain in order to restore an economic model based on reciprocity and collaboration guided by Nature and the Sacred. She is a delegate of the Mother Earth Delegation of United Indigenous Nations. Through her work, economic, social and environmental solutions have developed, creatively addressing the global challenges of our times.


Yvonna Lucká
Yvonna is a psychologist and psychotherapist with 30 years of experience. In her work, among other things, she capitalizes on almost ten years of experience working in the RIAPS crisis center, where she has worked in various roles. In her private psychotherapeutic practice, she works primarily with clients with trauma and post-trauma issues and clients with atypical issues. In her work she mainly uses the PBSP method and biosynthesis. She also uses PBSP to work with long-term closed scopes. She has been an accredited CHIS (Teaching Supervisor) since 1994. She offers individual and team supervision. She is an expert supervisor of teaching programs at the Czech Institute of Biosynthesis. She organizes workshops on e.g. care of helping professions. For 30 years she has been in close cooperation with Jyoti. She is a co-founder of Kayumari field and Star Gate school. Her lifelong interest is in connecting indigenous traditions with contemporary ways of life.


Lucie H. Morais
has been devoted to spirituality, shamanism and insights beyond the horizon of our ordinary knowledge for more than 18 years. Her studies in philosophy and theology at Charles University were interrupted by her frequent trips to the Amazon, where she repeatedly experienced the teachings of the local indigenous tribes and shamans. In Brazil, she is part of various shamanic syncretic churches and is also active in the Umbanda lineage.
Her main work consists of accompanying individuals or groups in rites of passage and integrating altered states of consciousness.
A few years ago she co-founded the Sarava Project and the Sarava Foundation endowment fund, which serve to support the indigenous people and the sustainability of their way of life, and she is involved in many global projects that lead to the cultivation and dissemination of the wisdom of indigenous tribes, the connection between humans and nature and, above all, the spiritual side of being.


Budoucnost vychází od předků
Srdečně zveme na setkání s mezinárodně uznávanou duchovní učitelkou Jyoti Ma, která světu přinesla projekty ukazující způsoby života, jež ctí Zemi a všechny národy.


V úzké spolupráci s indiány kmene Kogi Jyoti nyní reprezentuje poselství o naplňování starodávného proroctví Kondora a Orla. Proroctví, které přináší našemu lidstvu zprávu, které můžeme a nemusíme naslouchat, zprávu, kterou můžeme a nemusíme vztáhnout na aktuální stav našeho světa, zprávu, se kterou se můžeme a nemusíme identifikovat. Připravovanou akci tedy můžete brát jako pozvánku k nahlédnutí soudobých událostí skrze jinou perspektivu – perspektivu, která přesahuje čas a prostor, a která pojímá naše lidstvo a přírodu jako jeden živý organismus, který se vyvíjí napříč časem a prostorem.
Možná jste někdy zachytili tvrzení, že čas je nelineární. Podle něj se minulost, budoucnost i přítomnost odehrávají právě teď. Z jednoho úhlu pohledu je pak už vše dané, z jiného zase sebemenší pohyb v přítomnosti může ovlivnit nejen budoucnost, ale také minulost.
Čas nelze zastavit, nelze ho zachytit, urychlit ani zpomalit. Co však můžeme je, zklidnit sami sebe v době, ve které se nacházíme. Nechat pomyslnou řeku života téct svým tempem a s důvěrou pozorovat krajinu, která kolem nás ubíhá.
Přijďte se zastavit a nadechnout, nasát možné způsoby pojímání reality, zaposlouchat se do moudrosti, kterou předávají stařešinové naší globální vesnice, dotknout se místa v sobě, kde se prolíná důvěra v život a jeho plynutí s osobní odpovědností vůči sobě a celku.


Akce bude překládána do českého jazyka.




Jyoti Ma
Jyoti Ma je strážkyní vize Centra pro posvátná studia a spoluzakladatelkou společnosti Kayumari. Pomáhala svolat Mezinárodní radu třinácti domorodých babiček. Jyoti spolu s Christinou a Stanislavem Grofovými vyvinula techniku maitri dýchání, které je obdobou dýchání holotropního a i u nás se mu věnuje mnoho facilitátorů (www.maitridychani.cz). Založila The Fountain s cílem obnovit ekonomický model založený na vzájemnosti a spolupráci vedené přírodou a posvátnem. Je delegátkou Delegace Matky Země Spojených domorodých národů. Díky její práci vznikla ekonomická, sociální a environmentální řešení, která kreativně řeší globální výzvy naší doby.
Yvonna Lucká
Psycholožka a psychoterapeutka s třicetiletou praxí. Ve své práci mimo jiné zúročuje svoji téměř desetiletou zkušenost práce v krizovém centru RIAPS, kde působila v různých rolích. Ve své soukromé psychoterapeutické praxi se věnuje především klientům s problematikou traumatu a posttraumatu a klientům s atypickou problematikou. Ve své práci využívá především metodu PBSP a biosyntézu. PBSP též využívá pro práci s dlouhodobými uzavřenými skupinami. Je akreditovaný supervizor ČIS (Teaching Supervizor) od roku 1994. Nabízí individuální i týmovou supervizi. Je odborným garantem výukových programů v Českém institutu biosyntézy. Pořádá workshopy zaměřené např. na péči o pomáhající profese. 30 let úzce spolupracuje s Jyoti. Je spoluzakladatelkou pole Kayumari a školy Star Gate. Jejím celoživotním zájmem je propojování původních tradic tradic se současným způsobem života.
Lucie H. Morais
se více jak 18. let věnuje spiritualitě, šamanství a vhledům za horizont našeho běžného poznání. Studium filozofie a teologie na Karlově univerzitě přerušily její časté cesty do Amazonie, kde opakovaně procházela učením tamnějších domorodých kmenů a šamanů. V Brazílii je součástí různých šamanských synkretických církví a je také činnou v linii Umbanda.
Její hlavní činnost spočívá především v doprovázení jednotlivců či skupin v rámci přechodových rituálů a integraci změněných stavů vědomí.
Před několika lety spoluzaložila projekt Saravá a Saravá foundation nadační fond, které slouží k podpoře indiánů a udržitelnosti jejich způsobu života. Podílí se na mnoha globálních projektech, které vedou ke kultivaci a šíření moudrosti domorodých kmenů, propojení člověka s přírodou a především duchovní stránkou bytí.


Vzniklo pod zastitou mothersmessage.earth a ve spolupráci s novypribeh.org.


Prague, Czech Republic


Global Water Blessing for August 8th ~ Global Water Gratitude Gatherings!

Global Water Blessing for August 8th ~ Global Water Gratitude Gatherings!

Purchase a ticket for Awake Festival in Bosnia, if not attending, you can still participate:

Locally, by gathering people at noon in your own Watershed @ Give gratitude to our Sacred Water

Or join us with us for a corresponding Water ceremony online 17:00 CET @ World Water Community Webinar Room

* Register – then enter the online event in the World Water Community Webinar Room *

8.8.8 August 8th, 2024 @ 16:45 – 18:30 CET (17:45 EAT / 14:45 UTC / 10:45am EDT / 7:45am PDT)

May 22nd, 2024 | Recording  Rooted in Ethics:  The Community Tree Stewardship Framework

May 22nd, 2024 | Recording Rooted in Ethics: The Community Tree Stewardship Framework

Rooted in Ethics: The Community Tree Stewardship Framework

May 22nd, 2024


This will be an introduction to Rooted in Ethics with some of the key co-authors and editors and the chance for a Q&A. This is the date that the work will be officially ‘published’ Suitable for someone without background on Rooted in Ethics but does have some knowledge of either in support of reforestation/ restoration or of local communities. This is a free event although donations are welcome and will be shared between The Fountain and TreeSisters to continue our work. We are delighted to invite you to our discussion and panel event launching Rooted in Ethics: The Community Tree Stewardship Framework. Co-created over five years by The Fountain and TreeSisters, this framework and its supplementary Practices Guide outline and provide practical guidelines for honouring life through a biocultural rights-based approach to care for trees and communities. Join TreeSisters and Mindahi Bastida, Jyoti Ma, Luisah Teish, Myra Jackson, Suzi Steer and Angela Mayson to celebrate the launch, discuss some of the key issues and talking points and answer your questions. Together, we are calling for land and forest restoration that respects the inherent rights of Nature, communities and cultures.

Honoring Pachamama:  Our Earth Mother  Saturday, May 11, 6pm PT

Honoring Pachamama: Our Earth Mother Saturday, May 11, 6pm PT

Honoring Pachamama: Our Earth Mother

Saturday, May 11, 6pm PT

Luisa Teish, Jyoti Ma , Larisa Stow, Mark & Clare Du Bois

with Scott Catamas, (Host) Omashar, (co-Host) and House Musical Artist: Honey of the Heart and Guest Musical Artist: Hallelujah Anasuya

It’s Mother’s Day Weekend, and we want to acknowledge the Greatest Mother of All:  GAIA.   We will be exploring how to respect and honor our Pachamama.   We have several honored guests joining us, including Hallelujah Anasuya, Luisa Teish, Jyoti, Larisa Stow, Mark & Clare Dubois.  Jyoti has personally worked with KOGI nation and helped to produce and distribute the powerful “MESSAGE FROM THE MOTHER” video.   Luisa Teish
Is a Wise and Beloved Elder.  
 One of our favorite musical artists is also joining us:  HONEY OF THE HEART.
Our Beloved Musical Artist Omashar will be providing music for both shows
Become a member of the Global Peace Tribe!
Please Register and support our show.  You can
REGISTER for as little as $20 for 4 months of shows. You get to join the Zooms live & interact with the guests & ask questions: 
By registering and helping to support us, we can continue to provide these offerings.  If you subscribe at $75 or more, you can offer 2 free subscriptions to your friends and family.
You can also watch for free on Facebook, but will not have access to the zoom room or the special discounted links:
You can go to our YouTube Channel as the show is playing to watch it live.
Or catch recordings of all our shows there:
Through the Goddess Portal ~ May 20-24, 2024

Through the Goddess Portal ~ May 20-24, 2024


Dear Friend,

We have been living through difficult, turbulent times. 

Most of us are feeling ungrounded and anxious.

Yet, there is help all around … You only need to ask through accessing your untapped powers and learning new tools.

Please join us for:

Through the Goddess Portal

Birthing a Brilliant New Earth and an Enlightened Humanity

Reclaiming the Sacredness of Life and Becoming Quantum Co-Creators

A Free Video Conference Created by Hana Marritz

May 20-24, 2024

CLICK HERE to register for FREE!


Let our 20+ incredible speakers guide you and show you how to:

  • Call on the Power of your Heart to guide you to your True Self.
  • Access the Loving Powers of Nature, the Plants and Animals, Minerals and Elements.
  • Call on the help of Ancestral Spirits and the Knowledge of Ancient Cultures to reveal the Wisdom to access Higher Dimensions.
  • Find true Power in our Innate Wildness and our Indigenous Soul.
  • Retrieve the Magical Power of the Womb.
  • Access our Wholeness through Ceremony, Shamanic tools, and Soul Retrieval.
  • Access the Dreamtime to reveal our True Selves.
  • Understand Cosmic Cycles that are driving Human Ascension to a new Homo Illuminus.
  • Let the Goddess, The Divine Feminine — shine a light on your journey to becoming Co-creators of the New Earth.
  • Explore the Healing Powers of the Blood Mysteries.
  • … And so much more!

Jyoti Ma  will be a featured speaker, and the topic she will share about is :

How Prophesy Is Instructing the New Dawn

This interview will air on May 24th at 7 am Pacific / 10 am New York / 3 pm UK / 4 pm CET.

Coming together multiplies our strength and knowledge manyfold to raise our vibration, to help others raise theirs, and to begin co-creating a tsunami of New Consciousness.

Together, we begin to cocreate our COMING DREAM OF A NEW EARTH, formed by a love and respect for All Life and All Creation!

Click here to register now (FREE)!  https://www.throughthegoddessportal.com/

Please Note: Each interview will air  — Between May 20 – 24, 2024. All interviews are available FREE for 48 hours after they initially air.

 Please forward this email to anyone you think might be interested in joining.


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