[Recording] Message From The Mother: A Wake-Up Call For All Humanity As Shared By The Kogi Nation

[Recording] Message From The Mother: A Wake-Up Call For All Humanity As Shared By The Kogi Nation

Message From The Mother: A Wake-Up Call For All Humanity As Shared By The Kogi Nation

Air Date: 22 April, 2024

Kogi Prophecy: What does it mean for Humanity?

In November, 2023, the Kogi (Kaggabba) brought to the Fountain team (https://thefountain.earth/) a message they had received from the Mother at the Heart of the World. We want to share this message, and how it came to be. The Original Peoples globally are receiving similar messages and are carrying prophecy and creation stories that speak to these times. We are in very prophetic times, and the Mother is trying to shake us awake.

This message is moving around the world and has been felt deeply by many.

Message From The Mother: A Wake-Up Call For All Humanity As Shared By The Kogi Nation

Recording! Kogi Prophecy and the Pilgrimage to Teotihuacan II with Jyoti Ma, Shii tuii and Eleonora Dahl

Recording! Kogi Prophecy and the Pilgrimage to Teotihuacan II with Jyoti Ma, Shii tuii and Eleonora Dahl

ย Kogi Prophecy and the Pilgrimage to Teotihuacan II with Jyoti Ma, Shii tuii and Eleonora Dahl

In this session, we will describe the upcoming pilgrimage being organized by Ubiquity University to Teotihuacan in Mexico June 16 – 22 to coincide with the Summer Solstice. We will be doing so in the light of Kogi prophecy indicating that the period between the Winter Solstice 2023 and the Summer Solstice 2024 is a pivotal moment for humanity.

Jyoti Ma is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher. She has cultivated projects that demonstrate ways of life that honor the Earth and all Peoples. As the Grandmother Vision Keeper of the Center for Sacred Studies (https://www.centerforsacredstudies.org/), she co-founded Kayumari with spiritual communities both in America and Europe. Other projects she has helped to convene are the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and the Unity Concert. She is the founder of The Fountain (https://thefountain.earth) Itโ€™s mission is to restore an economic model that is based on reciprocity and collaboration guided by Nature and the Sacred. She serves as a delegate of the Mother Earth Delegation of United Indigenous Nations. And it is through this current work in collaboration with the Fountain, that a global Sacred Territories Initiative is evolving to protect Mother Earthโ€™s sacred sites and Her Original Peoples. Jyoti has devoted her life to bringing unity to the planet by facilitating the development of alliances between individuals who are the guardians of indigenous culture and traditional medicine ways. Through this work collaborative relationships with organizations that are focused on economic, social and environmental solutions have developed, creatively addressing the global challenges of our times.

Eleonora Ascencio Dahl is a cross-cultural advisor, consultant, translator and spiritual interpreter.She has a background in anthropology, social work, and decolonized yoga practice and teaching.Her work gets inspiration and guidance through ancestral knowledge and original teachings ,working closely with elders and youth allowing her to bridge and weave earthly based ways of prayer and instruction into loving action for community healing and education for future generations. A woman of prayer, she stands for a conscious stewardship and protection of the lands and waters of our Mother Earth.

Shii tuii A Kuna Guenta is a descendant of the Oneida and Yakut tribes. She is currently working with My husband Kenny and his tribe on a land back project with the state parks. The project is economic development through a land stewardship based on non monetary principles and reciprocity. She is also very involved with CE5. She is currently working very closely with the beings of Mt Shasta and Star Nation.


To join Humanity Rising Mon-Fri live via Zoom or make a voluntary contribution to support the Humanity Rising team, please see our contribution form.

Join our global community of changemakers at https://www.ubiquityuniversity.org
Ubiquity University offers certification programs as well as MA/PhD pathways that invite you to go deep into a topic related to who we need to become to be able to solve our current global challenges. We draw on the age-old insights from the wisdom traditions as well as the latest insights from modern science.
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Recording! Kogi Prophecy and the Pilgrimage to Teotihuacan II with Jyoti Ma, Shii tuii and Eleonora Dahl

Recording! Kogi Prophecy and the Pilgrimage to Teotihuacan I with Jyoti Ma, Banafsheh Sayyad and HeatherAsh Amara

Kogi Prophecy and the Pilgrimage to Teotihuacan I with Jyoti Ma, Banafsheh Sayyad and HeatherAsh Amara

In this session, we will describe the upcoming pilgrimage being organized by Ubiquity University to Teotihuacan in Mexico June 16 – 22 to coincide with the Summer Solstice. We will be doing so in the light of Kogi prophecy indicating that the period between the Winter Solstice 2023 and the Summer Solstice 2024 is a pivotal moment for humanity.

Banafsheh Sayyad is the Creative Director, Co-director of Chartres Academy and faculty at Ubiquity University.
A master Persian sacred dancer, choreographer, transformational teacher and founder of Dance of Onenessยฎ, she performs and teaches internationally, initiating people into the wisdom of their body, inspiring them to live their everyday life as a sacred dance. Banafsheh is one of the only dance artists who has mastered a fusion of high level dance technique with spiritual embodiment. She is among the few bearers of authentic Persian dance in the world, and the pioneer in creating a liberated feminine expression in the Sufi dance genre previously performed only by men.

HeatherAsh Amara has spent the last three decades weaving together earth-based wisdom, mindfulness, and practical strategies for creative, courageous, and compassionate individual and community change. She is the author of 9 books, including the bestselling Warrior Goddess Training series and The Seven Secrets of Happy and Healthy Relationships with don Miguel Ruiz Jr. As a master firewalk instructor and President of the Global Firewalking Association, the irony is not lost on HeatherAsh that when she found herself right on the frontlines of the destruction of climate change, it came in the form of a wildfire in 2022 at her ranch in the high desert and forests of New Mexico.

HeatherAsh spends her time to teaching domestically and internationally, practice and performing ritual at sacred sites around the globe, and tending to 180 acres of land recovering from the wildfires of last year. She is wholeheartedly devoted to helping humans get more free in their lives, stewarding Warrior Heart Ranch, and spreading the teachings that have been passed to her through her lineage of teachers.

Jyoti Ma is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher. She has cultivated projects that demonstrate ways of life that honor the Earth and all Peoples. As the Grandmother Vision Keeper of the Center for Sacred Studies (https://www.centerforsacredstudies.org/), she co-founded Kayumari with spiritual communities both in America and Europe. Other projects she has helped to convene are the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and the Unity Concert. She is the founder of The Fountain (https://thefountain.earth) Itโ€™s mission is to restore an economic model that is based on reciprocity and collaboration guided by Nature and the Sacred. She serves as a delegate of the Mother Earth Delegation of United Indigenous Nations. And it is through this current work in collaboration with the Fountain, that a global Sacred Territories Initiative is evolving to protect Mother Earthโ€™s sacred sites and Her Original Peoples. Jyoti has devoted her life to bringing unity to the planet by facilitating the development of alliances between individuals who are the guardians of indigenous culture and traditional medicine ways. Through this work collaborative relationships with organizations that are focused on economic, social and environmental solutions have developed, creatively addressing the global challenges of our times.

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To join Humanity Rising Mon-Fri live via Zoom or make a voluntary contribution to support the Humanity Rising team, please see our contribution form.

Join our global community of changemakers at https://www.ubiquityuniversity.org
Ubiquity University offers certification programs as well as MA/PhD pathways that invite you to go deep into a topic related to who we need to become to be able to solve our current global challenges. We draw on the age-old insights from the wisdom traditions as well as the latest insights from modern science.
Choose your preferences and sign up for the latest Ubiquity University news at : https://share.hsforms.com/1JxEUyycRRtuaIEJzyIScsg2op4l

Explore some of our latest offerings at https://linktr.ee/ubiquityuniversity
Shop UU merchandise at https://ubiquity-universitys-store.sellfy.store/

Our journey North…

Our journey North…

Journey North … Greenland and Iceland pagamentos October 2023
This is the announcement that went out to the public letting all know when the Mamos would present their message to the full Arctic Assembly.ย  (https://youtu.be/mnHQ66lLwQg)
There message was received in a deep and good way.
We went on to gather with the youth and other elders.
Each time the Mamos brought a message. We had some one with us that is a filmmaker and is putting together the video of this main message and also collecting photos…
The message they brought to Arctic Assembly which is already on our webpage.
This is a more complete report about this travel north with the Mamos to activate the first of four pillars.ย 
This prayer is strong and it humbles me constantly as it wisdom flows to us all.ย 
The last place for the pagamentos to be offered was at the volcano. They shared that the Mother Earth would soon stir in this volcano and if she wanted would take out the small town near it. She needs the people to listen. The day after the Mamos left Iceland 20,000 earthquakes occurred. And now the volcano is stirring. It is possible that the lava could flow under the town and into the sea. Certainly now the people are listening.ย 
…. Some photos of their arrival and work in Greenland.
LiveStream: THE MAMOS CALL TO THE ARCTIC – Harpa Concert Hall Arctic Circle Assembly | TODAY October 19, 17:30 GMT, 7:30 PM CET, 10:30 AM Pacific

LiveStream: THE MAMOS CALL TO THE ARCTIC – Harpa Concert Hall Arctic Circle Assembly | TODAY October 19, 17:30 GMT, 7:30 PM CET, 10:30 AM Pacific


Livestream: THE MAMOS CALL TO THE ARCTIC – Harpa Concert Hall Arctic Circle Assembly

TODAY October 19, 17:30 GMT, 7:30 PM CET, 10:30 AM Pacific


Live stream on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/thefountaincss



โ€œThe snowy peaks of the North have invited us to come to do the Pagamentos and help unify the spiritual connectionโ€.


The Mamos of La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, representatives of the Kaggabba Nation in Colombia, also known as the Kogi, have requested to travel to the Arctic North starting with Greenland and Iceland this year – as part of a long-term commitment to offering Pagamentos, Earth Payments, to the planetโ€™s natural sites.


The Mamos have been instructed to come to the Arctic North offering traditional earth payments to Northern natural Sacred Sites, to support the balancing of the elements which currently are strongly impacting Climate Change events. They bring an important message to the People of the North facing climate change impact.


Arctic Circle Assembly, Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre in Reykjavรญk Iceland


Thursday October 19, 17:30 GMT, 5:30 PM CET, 10:30 AM Pacific


Jacinto Zarabata Sundigama, Youth representative from the Kaggabba Nation In the presence of; Mamo Bunkuamaku and Francisco Sarabata Mamatacan from the Kaggaba Nation of La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia.


For special interviews and more information please contact:
Press Officer: Annette Ericsdotter,annette@tgim.se
Press Contact: Eleonora Ascencio Dahl


Organisational Team; Grandmother Jyoti Ma, US: Founder of The Fountain, Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations, Spiritual Elder of the Center for Sacred Studies. Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq, Greenland: Kalaallit Nunaat Nation, delegate of Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations. Eleonora Ascencio Dahl – Mexico / Sweden: Circle Wisdom Keepers project, consultant for the Fountain and Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations. Tiana Jacout: English, French and
Euskarat – Activist, Weaver, Water Protector. Christiane Pedros,
Germany: Board Member of The Fountain, Annette Ericsdotter, Sweden: Founder TGIM-Thank God It’s Monday, Board Member Center for Sacred Studies Sweden, Founder Nordic Light Foundation. Jeremy Whelehan, Ireland: Film Director and Producer, the Wisdom Keepers. Halldรณr Jรณhannsson, Iceland: Co-founder and chief executive officer of the Arctic Portal.org, Director of the Northern Forum Foundation.


Programme: Official Program from The Arctic Circle Assembly:


Med vรคnliga hรคlsningar / Kind Regards
Annette Ericsdotter
TGIM – Thank God Itยดs Monday
Tideliusgatan 61
SE-118 69 Stockholm


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Mamos of the Kogi, Kaggaba Nation Pagamentos Pilgrimage to the Northย 

Mamos of the Kogi, Kaggaba Nation Pagamentos Pilgrimage to the Northย 

Mamos of the Kogi, Kaggaba Nation Pagamentos

Pilgrimage to the North


The Mamos of La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, representatives of the Kaggaba Nation in Colombia, have requested to travel to the Arctic North starting with Iceland and Greenland this year as part of a long-term commitment to offering Earth Payments (Pagamentos)ย  to the Northern natural sites, to support the balancing of the elements which currently are strongly impacting Climate Change events. ย 

โ€œThe snowy peaks of the North have invited us to comeย 
to do the pagamentos and help unify the spiritual connectionโ€.

This request that has been received from the highest instruction and in accordance with Original protocol.

This will be the first time that any Mamos have travelled into the Arctic circle. They rarely leave the Santa Marta mountains unless they deem it of the utmost importance.

Pagamentos are very specific and ancient prayers that come from one of this planetโ€™s oldest and unbroken traditions. These prayers have been used for thousands of years to help keep the earth in balance.

This is the first of an ongoing commitment to visit the Northโ€™s Sacred sites with the Mamos, to not only carry out Pagamentos, but to foster direct relationship with the Kogi Nation and the Elders of the Arctic.ย 


Support the Mamos of the Kogi, Kaggaba Nation Pagamentos

Pilgrimage to the North!

For further details and information contact

Eleonora Ascencio Dahlย  galacticaelf@gmail.com

or Tiana Jacoutย  tianajacout@gmail.com

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