Recorded  October 12th for the Digital YOUTH DIALOGUE  


Latest News from the North. Young generations are calling for extraordinary actions, for the world leaders to stop ecocide and unite us all in understanding that we share one Earth. We are calling the youth of the North, Europe and the world to unite digitally with a message for the Arctic Assembly.
With us we have the youth representative, Jacinto, Zarabata Sundigama, Kaggabba Nation also known as the Kogi from La Sierra Nevada, Colombia. Join us ONLINE and listen to; 
Qivioq Løvstrøm – and learn about what is happening in Greenland, Halldór Jóhannsson, Iceland Karolina Carlsson – Sweden. We hope to get some news updates directly from the recent unfodlings in Norway and from Gállok – Sápmi.
Honored guests: Delegates from The Arctic Portal, The Fountain, Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations, Center for Sacred Studies. Facilitator: Annette Ericsdotter, Sweden, Christiane Pedros, Germany.

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