Honoring Pachamama:  Our Earth Mother  Saturday, May 11, 6pm PT

Honoring Pachamama: Our Earth Mother Saturday, May 11, 6pm PT

Honoring Pachamama: Our Earth Mother

Saturday, May 11, 6pm PT

Luisa Teish, Jyoti Ma , Larisa Stow, Mark & Clare Du Bois

with Scott Catamas, (Host) Omashar, (co-Host) and House Musical Artist: Honey of the Heart and Guest Musical Artist: Hallelujah Anasuya

It’s Mother’s Day Weekend, and we want to acknowledge the Greatest Mother of All:  GAIA.   We will be exploring how to respect and honor our Pachamama.   We have several honored guests joining us, including Hallelujah Anasuya, Luisa Teish, Jyoti, Larisa Stow, Mark & Clare Dubois.  Jyoti has personally worked with KOGI nation and helped to produce and distribute the powerful “MESSAGE FROM THE MOTHER” video.   Luisa Teish
Is a Wise and Beloved Elder.  
 One of our favorite musical artists is also joining us:  HONEY OF THE HEART.
Our Beloved Musical Artist Omashar will be providing music for both shows
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You can also watch for free on Facebook, but will not have access to the zoom room or the special discounted links:
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Or catch recordings of all our shows there:
Through the Goddess Portal ~ May 20-24, 2024

Through the Goddess Portal ~ May 20-24, 2024


Dear Friend,

We have been living through difficult, turbulent times. 

Most of us are feeling ungrounded and anxious.

Yet, there is help all around … You only need to ask through accessing your untapped powers and learning new tools.

Please join us for:

Through the Goddess Portal

Birthing a Brilliant New Earth and an Enlightened Humanity

Reclaiming the Sacredness of Life and Becoming Quantum Co-Creators

A Free Video Conference Created by Hana Marritz

May 20-24, 2024

CLICK HERE to register for FREE!


Let our 20+ incredible speakers guide you and show you how to:

  • Call on the Power of your Heart to guide you to your True Self.
  • Access the Loving Powers of Nature, the Plants and Animals, Minerals and Elements.
  • Call on the help of Ancestral Spirits and the Knowledge of Ancient Cultures to reveal the Wisdom to access Higher Dimensions.
  • Find true Power in our Innate Wildness and our Indigenous Soul.
  • Retrieve the Magical Power of the Womb.
  • Access our Wholeness through Ceremony, Shamanic tools, and Soul Retrieval.
  • Access the Dreamtime to reveal our True Selves.
  • Understand Cosmic Cycles that are driving Human Ascension to a new Homo Illuminus.
  • Let the Goddess, The Divine Feminine — shine a light on your journey to becoming Co-creators of the New Earth.
  • Explore the Healing Powers of the Blood Mysteries.
  • … And so much more!

Jyoti Ma  will be a featured speaker, and the topic she will share about is :

How Prophesy Is Instructing the New Dawn

This interview will air on May 24th at 7 am Pacific / 10 am New York / 3 pm UK / 4 pm CET.

Coming together multiplies our strength and knowledge manyfold to raise our vibration, to help others raise theirs, and to begin co-creating a tsunami of New Consciousness.

Together, we begin to cocreate our COMING DREAM OF A NEW EARTH, formed by a love and respect for All Life and All Creation!

Click here to register now (FREE)!  https://www.throughthegoddessportal.com/

Please Note: Each interview will air  — Between May 20 – 24, 2024. All interviews are available FREE for 48 hours after they initially air.

 Please forward this email to anyone you think might be interested in joining.


[Recording] Message From The Mother: A Wake-Up Call For All Humanity As Shared By The Kogi Nation

[Recording] Message From The Mother: A Wake-Up Call For All Humanity As Shared By The Kogi Nation

Message From The Mother: A Wake-Up Call For All Humanity As Shared By The Kogi Nation

Air Date: 22 April, 2024

Kogi Prophecy: What does it mean for Humanity?

In November, 2023, the Kogi (Kaggabba) brought to the Fountain team (https://thefountain.earth/) a message they had received from the Mother at the Heart of the World. We want to share this message, and how it came to be. The Original Peoples globally are receiving similar messages and are carrying prophecy and creation stories that speak to these times. We are in very prophetic times, and the Mother is trying to shake us awake.

This message is moving around the world and has been felt deeply by many.

Message From The Mother: A Wake-Up Call For All Humanity As Shared By The Kogi Nation

[Recording] Reciprocity & Collaboration:A New Paradigm for Business& Humanity with Jyoti Ma

[Recording] Reciprocity & Collaboration:A New Paradigm for Business& Humanity with Jyoti Ma

Reciprocity & Collaboration:

A New Paradigm for Business& Humanity

Recorded on April 12, 2024

Hosted by Chris Cooper

[Download MP3] [itunes]


Join us for an enlightening conversation with Jyoti Ma, an internationally renowned spiritual teacher and visionary leader. With a deep commitment to honouring the Earth and all peoples, Jyoti Ma has spearheaded transformative projects that embody sacred wisdom and foster interconnectedness. As the Grandmother Vision Keeper of the Center for Sacred Studies, co-founder of Kayumari, and a driving force behind initiatives like the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and the Unity Concert, Jyoti Ma has played a pivotal role in bridging spiritual traditions and fostering global collaboration. As the founder of The Fountain, Jyoti Ma has championed an economic model rooted in reciprocity, collaboration, and reverence for nature, aiming to restore harmony between humanity and the Earth. Her work as a delegate of the Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations has further propelled a global movement dedicated to activating a new era of harmony and sustainability. In this interview, Jyoti Ma will share her insights on spirituality, community building, environmental stewardship, and the urgent need for collective action in service of our planet. This will be a fabulous opportunity to learn from someone whose wisdom is guiding us toward a more harmonious and interconnected world.


Streaming April 20th, 2024

Streaming April 20th, 2024



April 20th, 2024 @ 2 PM PDT

1.5-hour Free Online Conference and Q&A

Grandmother Luisah Teish (Lyanifa and Oshun Chief)
Grandmother Loretta Afraid of Bear Cook (Oglala Sioux Nation, Turtle Island)
Grandmother Jyoti (Elder, USA)
Universal Mother (Bwiti Grandmothers from Gabon, Africa)
Uncle Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq (Kalaallit Nunaat, Greenland)
Shawna Bluestar Newcomb (Shawnee, Lenape, Turtle Island)
Grandfather Randy Lays Bad (Oglala Sioux, USA),
Jarmbi (Original Custodian, Australia)
Kurikindi (Kichua, Ecuador)
+ Wisdom Keepers Videos
+ Q&A

We will also be live streaming here on:

Subscribe to the Mother Earth Delegation Youtube Channel!
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